Qi Gong

Qi Gong (Chi Kung) means literally, "Energy Cultivation," and refers to a group of exercises that improve health and longevity, as well as increase the sense of harmony within oneself and one's position in the world. There are thousands of such exercises. In fact, anything you do with the intention of elevating your energy can be considered Chi Kung. All Chi Kung contains four common principles - the mind is the presence of intention, the eyes are the focus of intention, the movement is the action of intention, the breath is the flow of intention. These are the "secrets" of Chi Kung - and they are often taught at the beginning of training. Of course it takes years of exploring these ideas in practice to begin to truly grasp their significance.

Kung Fu (Gung Fu) means "progress achieved through discipline." In Eastern traditions, discipline means learning through action. The word discipline in English is a derivation of the word "disciple" meaning "one who learns." In the West the idea of Kung Fu is commonly thought of only in terms of martial arts. In fact the term applies to any activity in which paying attention and practicing skills for improvement are important - in other words just about any worthwhile aspect of life.

Chi Kung is actually a specific example of a larger catagory of exercises called Nui Kung (Nei Gong) (literally - "Inner Cultivation"). Nui Kung encompasses a large variety of practices including standing, sitting, moving, static and even dreaming exercises. "Internal" martial arts such as Tai Chi Chuan (Tai Ji Quan), Ba Kua (Pa Gua) and Hsing I (Xing Yi) are also included within this category. In their advanced levels Nui Gong exercises cultivate access to energies commonly perceived to be outside of the human experience. Obviously, if it is possible for humans to access these energies, they cannot truly be outside of human experience, perhaps only outside of commonly perceived consensual reality. Advanced sets of Nui Kung exercises focus on specific aspects of experience, including altering states of consciousness, opening to universal energies, and manifesting unusual abilities and powers. Many of these advanced exercises included within Nui Kung are considered dangerous if taught to the unprepared; and all of them must be treated with respect to avoid possible difficulties resulting from their practice.

Healing with Chi
Recent articles have emphasized the use of Chi energy for healing others. This is referred to as "External Chi Healing," External Qi Kung or Chi Sao. Chi energy is directed through the hands or eyes towards the patient. Often, "miraculous" improvements in health are cited as a result of a Chi Kung practitioner working with an ill person. External Chi healing is historically one of the main applications of Chi energy cultivation.

If you are going to cultivate Chi and apply it in healing work with others there are important precautions to heed. The most important of these is to remain clear of personal attachment to the process. Nothing will deplete energy faster than seeking ego gratification with the "power" of your healing work. Fortunately for most, these tendencies usually get worked out early in the process, particularly if they are working with a teacher who is clear to begin with.

There are also numerous levels and depths of this healing ability. Certain healers using externally directed Chi seem to have better effects with some illnesses than others. Ultimately it may be that to truly master the art of directing Chi in the healing process you must develop a wide spectrum of abilities and be able to apply them in a variety of types of imbalances in body, emotions, mind, soul and spirit.

The Path of Qi Gong
The ultimate goal of all Qi Gong is harmonious existence and action in all situations. This level of achievement approaches Mastery. The elements that characterize this level of experience include: curiosity, ease in action, clarity of focus and intention, perseverance, non-attachment, resilience, openness, creativity, responsiveness and fluid balance. Also, Mastery is demonstrated not by someone who seemingly knows everything, but rather someone willing to continue learning regardless of level of achievement.

Finally, although you may find books or teachers professing to teach you the secrets of Chi Kung and the power of its applications, it always comes down to what you, yourself are willing to practice and experience. The layers are there for you to explore when you make yourself available for the learning. At the same time, it doesn't hurt to learn whatever you can from those who have stepped through the doors before you. In the words of the Zen poet, Basho, "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the men of old, seek what they sought."

The information contained herein should not be used as a substitute for the advice of an appropriately qualified and licensed physician or other health care provider. Please consult your health care provider if you are sick.

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