First-Aid Kit Checklist
In order to administer effective first aid, it is important to maintain adequate supplies in each first aid kit.
First aid kits can be purchased commercially already stocked with the necessary supplies, or one can be made by including the following items:


Adhesive bandages: available in a large range of sizes for minor cuts, abrasions and puncture wounds

Butterfly closures: these hold wound edges firmly together.

Rolled gauze: these allow freedom of movement and are recommended for securing the dressing and/or pads. These are especially good for hard-to-bandage wounds.

Nonstick Sterile Pads: these are soft, super-absorbent pads that provide a good environment for wound healing. These are recommended for bleeding and draining wounds, burns, infections.

First Aid Tapes: Various types of tapes should be included in each kit. These include adhesive, which is waterproof and extra strong for times when rigid strapping is needed; clear, which stretches with the body's movement, good for visible wounds; cloth, recommended for most first aid taping needs, including taping heavy dressings (less irritating than adhesive); and paper, which is recommended for sensitive skin and is used for light and frequently changed dressings.

Items that also can be included in each kit are tweezers, first aid cream, thermometer, an analgesic or equivalent, and an ice pack.

"The information contained herein should not be used as a substitute for the advice of an appropriately qualified and licensed physician or other health care provider. Please consult your health care provider if you are sick."

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