Hyperactivity (children)
A state of excessive muscular activity.

Causes and incidence

Hyperactive behavior commonly refers to a group of characteristics. This includes aggressiveness, constant activity, easy distractibility, impulsiveness, inability to concentrate, and similar behaviors.

Typical behaviors may include fidgeting or constant moving, wandering, excessive talking, difficulty participating in "quiet" activities such as reading, and similar behaviors.

Hyperactivity is not easily defined because it often depends on the tolerance of the observer. Behavior that seems excessive to one observer may not seem excessive to another.

Hyperkinetic behavior ("a very active child") often decreases as the child grows older, and disappears by adolescence.

Common causes
Attention deficit disorder; emotional disorders; brain or central nervous system disorders; normal personality

The causes may vary based on age and gender of the affected person, as well as on the specific characteristics of the symptom such as quality, time course, aggravating factors, relieving factors, and associated complaints.

Home care
A child who is normally very active often responds well to specific directions and a program of regular physical activity.
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