Tips for an Active Mind and Better Memory

Consider the cause. Numerous physical and emotional conditions can contribute to memory problems, including nutritional deficiencies, dehydration, depression, loneliness and grief. Some prescription and over-the-counter medications can affect memory. Talk with your doctor and pharmacist about how your overall health status may be impacting your memory and what you can do about it.

Drinking too much? Alcohol is a depressant and alcoholism damages the brain in ways that can harm your memory. Drinking is OK in moderation (one to two drinks a day) if you are not on medications that interact with alcohol. Be sure to tell your doctor how much alcohol you drink.

Exercise to keep your mind sharp. A brisk daily walk is pleasurable, healthful exercise -- good for mind, body and spirit. If you have been sedentary or are in poor health, start out slowly and consult your doctor first.

Try some memory kick-starters. You can find hundreds of articles and books with a wide variety of exercises and activities to hone your memory skills. These techniques are used by people of all ages who are trying to manage an ever-increasing information load. They include such tricks as repeating a person's name when you are introduced and drills such as memorizing the order of spices in your kitchen.

Write it down. Jot down notes while you are talking on the phone. Make lists. Write down ideas, plans, recollections, etc. Writing things down is kind of like a double-entry accounting system. It forces your mind to register the information twice and increases the odds that you will remember it later.

Get involved. Volunteer, join a club, learn a language, socialize, read, take up a hobby. Do anything but sit at home brooding. If you cannot seem to overcome a negative attitude and feelings of depression, get some advice from your doctor, a counselor or clergy.

The information contained herein should not be used as a substitute for the advice of an appropriately qualified and licensed physician or other health care provider. Please consult your health care provider if you are sick.

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