The Ear-acupuncture Therapy for Diabetes Mellitus


By Fang Min, Hospital Affiliated to Hong Kong College of Traditional Chinese Medicine

The ear-acupuncture therapy can achieve significant effects in treating Diabetes Mellitus (DM for short hereafter). The acupoints chosen are yuanzhong, waibi, pingjian, sanjiao, jiaogan, pizhixia, neifenmi, shenshangxian, fei (lung), pi (spleen), shen (kidney), gan (liver), dan (gallbladder), yi (pancreas) etc. According to the syndrome differentiation rules, puncturing will be conducted once every two days with the two ears alternated. The needle should be retained for one hour. A filiform needle should be chosen. Quick insertion into the ear acupuncture point and routine defection for the auricles.

A typical case:

The patient:
xxx, female, 46 years old.

Medical history:
DM for over two years. No significant effects from both traditional Chinese herbs and modern medicines.

Dark and yellow complexion, thirstiness, frequent urination, dizziness, listlessness, excessive phlegm and loose stool. Blood sugar: 11.5mmol/l. Glucose in urine: +++.

After the first puncturing, the patient threw up a lot of phlegm-saliva and the chest suffocation began to relax.
After the second puncturing, stomach pain and loose stool followed by relief in stomach.
After the third puncturing, dizziness abating.
One month later, blood sugar:5.1mmol/l. Glucose in urine:-.Dark and yellow spots in the face disappearing, dizziness and listlessness abating.
Two months later, all examination results normal.

The ear-acupuncture therapy is an ideal one for DM because all the above-mentioned acupoints can improve the micro-circulation and the weiqi and yinxue of the body.

The information contained herein should not be used as a substitute for the advice of an appropriately qualified and licensed physician or other health care provider. Please consult your health care provider if you are sick.


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