Nine Secrets to Prevent from Cold

Influenza viruses are getting more and more rampant in recent years. There are different types of influenza viruses - Sydney, H5N1, and so on. My fear of influenza viruses is a visible example of how threatening they are. This author was attached by a influenza a few weeks ago, during that period, I could do nothing but lie in bed for two weeks. This attack reminded me of collecting some secret recipes following a saying "prevention is better than therapy". The secret recipes, which are classified into nine categories, are presented here to the readers.

1. Gargling with salt solution: Do this every morning and evening, gargling with salt solution can remove the disease germ in the mouth.

2. Vinegar fumigation: Fumigating a certain amount of vinegar inside the room for 15 - 20 minutes everyday, this method can help kill or eliminate the indoor disease germ.

3. Daubing liniments: In the morning and evening, put a small amount of menthocamphorate or essential balm onto both sides of the forehead and also on the nose and lips.

4. Cooling down the face and warming up the feet: Washing the face with cold water in the morning and the feet in the hot water can increase your capability of resisting diseases.

5. Making drink with herbal medicine: Soaking 100 grams of cyrtomium fortunei in a jar, the water in the jar can be drunk and used to prevent cold.

6. Decoction of sugar and ginger: Drinking decoction of brown sugar and ginger instead of tea can help prevent cold effectively.

7. Respiratory exercise in the vapour: This method is especially effective for the cold in the early stage.

8. Blowing hot air against the face: In the beginning, you can use an electric hair dryer to blow hot air against your face for 3-5 minutes, several times per day. This method helps reduce the symptom.

9. Prevention through massage: After rubbing the hands like washing them without soap or water till the palm of the hand becomes hot, and then rubbing down the acupuncture point named Yingxiang (it is located inside the nasal meatus) for about ten times.

The information contained herein should not be used as a substitute for the advice of an appropriately qualified and licensed physician or other health care provider. Please consult your health care provider if you are sick.


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