Does the body need an internal spring-cleaning?

A recent medical research discovered that the internal toxinum makes the major contribution to the diseases in human body. Therefore, experts considered that the body needs internal spring-cleanings from time to time. In this way, people can remove the toxinum from the body, so as to strengthen the health.

1. Cleaning the lung by active coughing The lung is an organ that toxinum can stay there easily. The dust, metal particles and the toxicants in the waste air can get into the lung through breathing, threatening the health of the lung. The toxinum can also get into blood from the lung and reach every corner in the body. You can conduct a spring-cleaning in the lung through active coughing. The concrete steps are as follows: doing a deep breathing exercise in an outdoor place rich of fresh air regularly in every morning, noon, or evening before going to bed, raising both arms when you are doing the exercise, coughing and dispelling the air through mouth and nose, and then dispelling the sputum. This exercise should be repeated for a dozen of times, and several rounds of normal breathing should be conducted after each deep breathing exercise. The lung can be cleaned if you follow this method everyday.

2. Cleaning the intestinal canal by drinking warm water The intestinal canal is a place where feces comes into being and deposits. The most efficient way to remove the toxicants that exist in the feces is defecating regularly everyday and trying to shorten its staying time inside the intestinal canal. In addition, it is recommended that a cup of warm water be taken every morning when the stomach is still empty. This will be conducive to discharging the toxicants out of the body.

3. Protecting the skin through sudation: The toxicants can also be discharged together with sudation out of the skin, and doing physical exercises can help generate sudation. Therefore, it is recommended that physical exercises should be conducted frequently, and some saline water be drunk before doing physical exercise. The sudation produced through physical exercises is good for skin protection.

4. Purifying blood through reduced food Reduced food can eliminate free radical, which is the by-product generated during the oxidation process of the human body. The free radical can damage DNA, collagen and histiocyte and cause wrinkle, senile plaque, cancer, senile dementia, and so on. To get rid of free radical, it is necessary to eat more reduced food, such as Chinese chive, Chinese squash, onion, tomato, carrots, beans, walnuts, peanuts, elephant's ticks, almond. It is also necessary to supply some anti-oxidants including coenzyme Q10, grape stone quintessence and pine tree quintessence.

The information contained herein should not be used as a substitute for the advice of an appropriately qualified and licensed physician or other health care provider. Please consult your health care provider if you are sick.


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