Do you suffer insomnia?

Sleeping is a regular and physiological status under which all muscles are loosening and the body activities are largely reduced. Due to differences in these factors such as ages, physical and health conditions, habits and circumstances, each person needs different length of time for sleeping. It indicates that you have slept for enough time if you feel clear and energetic when you get awake. Taking a good rest from sleep is far more important than sleeping for long hours. Compared to the application of drugs, resting from a natural sleep usually makes you feel more pleasant.

The origin of insomnia

  1. Primary insomnia: about ten or twenty percent of the patients of insomnia do not know what's the cause of insomnia. Frankly speaking, probably some of the insomnia patients do not need too much time for sleep, for example, the old-aged or the retired people. They live with less pressure and just need sleep for shorter time. However, they still want to sleep long hours although they really don't need that long.
  2. Secondary insomnia:

The secondary insomnia is usually caused by diseases, for instance:

  • dermatopathy
  • asthma
  • psychoses, such as anxiety, melancholy, neurosis, senile
  • dementia, schizophrenia
  • duodenal ulcer may cause pain during mid-night
  • hyperthyroidism
Overdrinking of alcohol, caffeine, anthypnotic drinks
Unfamiliar environment or noise
Habitual insomnia" and "simple insomnia" It is quite normal that there are a small number of people having difficulties to fall asleep as quickly as, or to sleep as deep as other people. They don't need any treatment for this kind problem.

How to fall asleep quickly

1. Live and work regularly
Form a habit that going to bed at a regular hour, and try to avoid sleeping in the daytime.

2. Overcome the fear of insomnia
Do not worry if you cannot sleep or cannot sleep well. The more you fear, the worse it will be.

3. Pour out your concerns and unhappiness
If you have any difficulties or worries, pour them out and share and discuss with your family members and friends.

4. Keep doing some physical exercises
Physical exercises can help you relax. But please do remember, don't do strenuous exercise shortly before you go to bed. Taking a walk is a good idea.

5. Dos and don'ts before going to bed
Before going to bed, you can take a shower or bath in hot water, or take a cup of hot milk. But don't eat too much or eat too little. Further more, things like cigarettes, coffee, cola or wine should be prohibited at the time for sleep.

6. Create a mild environment
Maintain a quiet environment with faint lights, moderate temperature, warm bed and fresh air.

7. Never rely on hypnotic drugs
Hypnotic cannot help you completely get rid of insomnia, on the contrary, it makes the sickness worse. Long-term taking of hypnotic will cause lots of side effects: addiction, drug resistance, decrease of daytime efficiency. For a long-term hypnotic user, a halt of drug use may even worsen the patient's condition. In addition, the properties of different hypnotics may vary from each other, only after getting the doctor's permission and instruction can you use the drug for a short period, even though the drug is badly needed.

The information contained herein should not be used as a substitute for the advice of an appropriately qualified and licensed physician or other health care provider. Please consult your health care provider if you are sick.


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