Anhui Beijing Chongqing Tianjing Liaoning Qinghai
Gansu Fujian Guizhou Zhejiang Shandong Shaanxi
Guangdong Hebei Hainan Sichuan Ningxia Xingjiang
Henan Hubei Hunan Yongnan Shanxi Naimenggu
Heilongjiang Jiangsu Jilin Guangxi Jiangxi Xizang


ChenYingZao male Shaanxi The fourth military medical university. Professor medical science 029-3236057 710032
LiLiangShou male Shaanxi The fourth military medical university.  Professor epidemiology 029-332971-73085 710032
MaWenYu male Shaanxi The fourth military medical university. Professor microbiolog 029-3374114- 710032
HuLin female Shaanxi The fourth military medical university. hygiene 029-3374114- 710032
SuBo male Shaanxi The fourth military medical university. Professor internal medicine 029-3374114- 710032
YuSanHu male Shaanxi The fourth military medical university. Associate professor medicine history 029-3231741 710032
HuangGaoSheng male Shaanxi The pathology teaching and research section of the fourth military medical university.  Professor patholog 029-3231744-73786 710032
ChenChaoZong male Shaanxi The second affiliated hospital of the fourth military medical university. Director doctor reparative surgery 029-3513140- 710038
QinZhaoYin male Shaanxi The second affiliated hospital of the fourth military medical university.  Professor commen surgrey 029-3513140- 710061
ZhangAiHong male Shaanxi The second affiliated hospital of the fourth military medical university.  Professor ultrasound 029-3513140- 710038
ChenBi female Shaanxi The first affiliated hospital of the fourth military medical university. Professor burns 029-3231744 710032
DengJingLan female Shaanxi The first affiliated hospital of the fourth military medical university. Professor nuclear medicine 029-3374114- 710032
DouKeFeng male Shaanxi The first affiliated hospital of the fourth military medical university. Director doctor surgery 029-3374114- 710032
FanDaiMeng male Shaanxi The first affiliated hospital of the fourth military medical university. Professor digestion 029-3374114- 710032
HuJieLou male Shaanxi The first affiliated hospital of the fourth military medical university. Professor digestion 029-3374114- 710032
HuangYaoTian male Shaanxi The first affiliated hospital of the fourth military medical university.  Professor department of orthopaedics 029-3231744-72005 710032
LvKaiHuo male Shaanxi The first affiliated hospital of the fourth military medical university. Director doctor reparative surgery 029-3374114- 710032
LvKaiHuo male Shaanxi The first affiliated hospital of the fourth military medical university. Professor reparative surgery 029-3374114- 710032
QianWenQiu female Shaanxi The first affiliated hospital of the fourth military medical university. Professor ultrasound 029-3374114- 710032
QiuJianHua male Shaanxi The first affiliated hospital of the fourth military medical university. Associate professor otorhinolaryngology 029-3221616--74761 710032
SuXiuChu male Shaanxi The first affiliated hospital of the fourth military medical university. Professor clinical neurology 029-332971--72482 710032
XunBingZhong male Shaanxi The first affiliated hospital of the fourth military medical university.  Professor blood 029-3374114- 710032
YuJinLing female Shaanxi The first affiliated hospital of the fourth military medical university. Professor otorhinolaryngology 029-3231744-72028 710032
YuZhongKun male Shaanxi The first affiliated hospital of the fourth military medical university. Associate professor urinary surgery 029-3224811 710032
YiQingYu male Shaanxi The first affiliated hospital of the fourth military medical university. Professor neurosurgery 029-3224313 710032
ZhengWeiGuo male Shaanxi The first affiliated hospital of the fourth military medical university. Professor obstetrics & gynecologyc 029-3374114- 710032
JiangShiZhong male Shaanxi The navigation medical section of the fourth military medical university.  Associate professor aero-medicine 029-3374114- 710032
LiYunXiu male Shaanxi The navigation medical section of the fourth military medical university. Professor aero-medicine 029-3374114- 710032
MiaoDanMin male Shaanxi The navigation medical section of the fourth military medical university. Associate professor aero-psyche 029-3374114- 710032
ZhangLiFan male Shaanxi The navigation medical section of the fourth military medical university. Professor  physio-aerospace 029-3374114- 710032
ZhangWanKuo male Shaanxi The basic physiological department of the fourth military medical university.  Associate professor masculinity medicine 029-3232971-73434 710032
GuoTianWen male Shaanxi The stomatology college of the fourth military medical university.  Director doctor buccal cavity plerosis 029-3221616- 710032
LvChunTang male Shaanxi The stomatology college of the fourth military medical university.  Professor jaw&face surgery 029-3221616-74503 710032
ZhouShuJia male Shaanxi The stomatology college of the fourth military medical university.  Professor jaw&face surgery 029-3221616- 710032
QiongGong male Shaanxi The neuroscience research institute of the fourth military medical university.  Professor neuroendocrine 029-3374114- 710032
BoXueFan male Shaanxi The Tangdu hospital of the fourth military medical university.   Associate professor lemology 029-3513140- 710038
DuRiYing male Shaanxi The Tangdu hospital of the fourth military medical university.   Professor cardiac and blood vessel internal medicine 029-3274578-78223 710038
ZhongGuangHuan male Shaanxi The Tangdu hospital of the fourth military medical university.   Associate professor internal secretion 029-3274578-78127 710038
YangMengGeng male Shaanxi The Tangdu hospital of the fourth military medical university.   Professor obstetrics & gynecologyc 029-3274587-78251 710038
ZhengJiaoCheng male Shaanxi The Tangdu hospital of the fourth military medical university.   Senior engineer 029-3524486 710038
ZhuRongFa male Shaanxi The Tangdu hospital of the fourth military medical university.   Associate director tachnician emission technique 029-3513140- 710038
ZheXiaoChao male Shaanxi The Xijing hospital of the fourth military medical university.    Associate professor department of orthopaedics 029-3331741-72030
MaiShuangHou male Shaanxi Air force Lintong sanatorium. Associate director doctor department of internal medicine 029-3851204- 710600
LiangShuTang male Shaanxi Shaanxi endemy institute. Research worker endemic disease 029-7223741 710061
CaGuangChong male Shaanxi Shaanxi maternal and child health care hospital. Director doctor procreation control 029-7277886- 710003
DaiYingTa male Shaanxi Shaanxi maternal and child health care hospital. Associate director doctor neonate 029-7277886-66 710003
XuLing female Shaanxi Shaanxi maternal and child health care hospital. Director doctor obstetrics & gynecologyc 029-7277886- 710003
ZhouPingSheng female Shaanxi Shaanxi tuberculosis hospital. Director doctor tuberculosis 029-5291668- 710105
GuoZhiYing male Shaanxi Shaanxi rehabilitation center. Professor phisical rehabilitation 029-5263129 710068
HuangBuXi male Shaanxi Shaanxi people's hospital. Director doctor narcosis 029-5251331 710068
GuZhongHui male Shaanxi Shaanxi people's hospital. Director doctor cardiac and blood vessel 029-5251331- 710068
LiCengLie male Shaanxi Shaanxi people's hospital. Director doctor digestion 029-5251331- 710068
ShiWenHai male Shaanxi Shaanxi people's hospital. Director doctor institute management 029-5251331- 710068
YangGuiQi male Shaanxi Shaanxi people's hospital. Director doctor gerontism/cardia-internal medicine 029-5253261 710068
RenJianKang male Shaanxi Clinical examination center of Shaanxi pepple's hospital. Associate research worker microbiolog 029-5253261-2633 710068
JiangKeJian male Shaanxi Shaanxi sanitation and antiepideic station. Director doctor virology 029-7219774- 710054
TaoYongMeng male Shaanxi Shaanxi sanitation and antiepideic station. Associate director doctor radiation medicine 029-7219774-52 710054
ChenYong male Shaanxi Clinical examination center of Xi'an city. Maste docimaster blood 029-7883442 710054
GuoKong male Shaanxi Medical office of Shaanxi sanitary hall. Associate research worker 029-7221740 710003
YuPingYi male Shaanxi Electricity education center of Shaanxi college of traditional Chinese medicine. Engineer Radio technic 0910-3231167 712083
ZhengFuLin male Shaanxi The Shaanxi document and medical history institue of traditional Chinese medicine. Associate research worker medicine history 029-7216873- 710003
ZhongXiuZhen female Shaanxi The biomedical engineering department of the fourth military medical university. . Professor 029-3221616-74358 710032
ZhongQunHui male Shaanxi The spiritual health center of Xi'an city. Director doctor Mind department 029-5251781 710000
DanYanLi female Shaanxi The central hospital of Xi'an city. Director doctor ophthalmology 029-7420552 710004
SuZhiJing male Shaanxi The central hospital of Xi'an city. Associate director doctor hyperbaric oxygen medicine 029-7218919- 710003
YuYiLun male Shaanxi The endemic orthopedic institute of Xi'an medical university. Professor endemic disease 029-5212305-2243 710061
ChenWuKe male Shaanxi The first clinical cancer hospital of Xi'an medical university. Associate director doctor Tumor 029-5252911- 710061
XuGuangLu male Shaanxi The Keshan's department of Xi'an medical university. Professor endemic disease 029-5261686 710061
LiZhiGang male Shaanxi Xi'an medical university. Professor epidemiology 029-5261677- 710061
QinChao male Shaanxi Xi'an medical university. Associate professor physiology 029-5261677- 710061
RenHuiMin male Shaanxi Xi'an medical university. Professor anatomy 029-5261677- 710061
DanDaNuo male Shaanxi Xi'an medical university.   medical ethics science 029-5261677- 710061
SongDuSheng male Shaanxi Xi'an medical university. Lecturer organism 029-5261677- 710061
HeTianDe male Shaanxi The pathoanatomy teaching and research section of Xi'an medical university. Professor morbid anatomy;pathological anatomy 029-5261677- 710061
DaiShenGang male Shaanxi The second affiliated hospital of Xi'an medical university. Associate professor internal secretion 029-7216621 710004
LiGongZai male Shaanxi The second affiliated hospital of Xi'an medical university. Professor pediatric surgery 029-7276956 710004
LiuFuRen male Shaanxi The second affiliated hospital of Xi'an medical university. Professor dermatology 029-7216621 710004
LuoJinYan female Shaanxi The second affiliated hospital of Xi'an medical university. Professor digestion disease 029-7216621 710004
QinZhaoYin male Shaanxi The second affiliated hospital of Xi'an medical university. Professor multi-remove 029-7216621 710004
WanHengLin male Shaanxi The second affiliated hospital of Xi'an medical university. Professor urinary surgery 029-7255630 710004
YuKunZheng male Shaanxi The second affiliated hospital of Xi'an medical university. Associate professor department of orthopaedics 029-7216621 710004
WuXiuBin female Shaanxi The second affiliated hospital of Xi'an medical university. Professor lemology 029-7216621 710004
XuShuangQing male Shaanxi The second affiliated hospital of Xi'an medical university. Director doctor dermatology 029-7276956 710004
YangDeChang male Shaanxi The second affiliated hospital of Xi'an medical university. Professor anapnea 029-7216621 710004
ChenJunZhang male Shaanxi The first affiliated hospital of Xi'an medical university. Professor department of orthopaedics 029-7267654 710004
ChenMeiLan female Shaanxi The first affiliated hospital of Xi'an medical university. Director doctor laser medical science 029-5252981- 710061
ChenYong male Shaanxi The first affiliated hospital of Xi'an medical university. Professor renal transplantation 029-5252981-228 710061
FengJiaoLiang male Shaanxi The first affiliated hospital of Xi'an medical university. Professor Kidney disease 029-5252981 710061
HouLiYe male Shaanxi The first affiliated hospital of Xi'an medical university. Professor cardiac surgery 029-5252911-4237 710061
LiuJiHan male Shaanxi The first affiliated hospital of Xi'an medical university. Professor radio-sanitation diagnosis 029-5252981- 710061
LiuWeiLiang male Shaanxi The first affiliated hospital of Xi'an medical university. Professor Tumor 029-5252981- 710004
LiuYiJin male Shaanxi The first affiliated hospital of Xi'an medical university. Professor cardiac and blood vessel internal medicine 029-5252981- 710061
XueYing male Shaanxi The first affiliated hospital of Xi'an medical university. Director doctor Tumor 029-5252981- 710004
YangDingYi male Shaanxi The first affiliated hospital of Xi'an medical university. Professor cardiac internal medicine 029-5252981- 710004
YangJuBing female Shaanxi The first affiliated hospital of Xi'an medical university. Professor emergency medicine 029-5252981- 710061
ZhangJiRen male Shaanxi The first affiliated hospital of Xi'an medical university. Professor rheumatism 029-5252981- 710061
ZhangWenYing female Shaanxi The first affiliated hospital of Xi'an medical university. Professor health of mothers and children 029-52522981-3233 710061
ZhongZhiJiang male Shaanxi The first affiliated hospital of Xi'an medical university. Director doctor tumour radiation 029-5252981- 710004
FengGang male Shaanxi The electricity education center of Xi'an medical university. Associate research worker audio-visual education 029-751609-2563 710061
ZhuQuanXi male Shaanxi The electricity education center of Xi'an medical university. Research worker audio-visual education 029-751609-2860 710061
YanZongLin male Shaanxi The library information research department of Xi'an medical university. Research worker medical Information 029-751609-2226 710061

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