Leukorrhea caused by oidiomycetes

The abnormal whitish secretion from vagina is usually known as leulorrhea. Generally, the secretion from vagina is rather common. Especially during the ovulatory period, most women will discover that there are some colorless, sans taste discharge from the vagina, which is a natural phenomenon and represent no disease.

However, bacterial infection of vagina may cause leukorrhea and the most commonly known one is that caused by monilia infection. Oidiomycetes can make vagina over-discharge and feel itching. There may not be a specific cause of monilia infection; however, diabetes, use of contraceptive or antibodies may increase the risk of monilia infection. In addition, this disease can also be infected through the sexual intercourse between husband and wife.

The treatment of monilia leukorrhea: put some specific medicine in the vagina to kill the oidiomycetes. In addition, the patient's partner should also put some ointment on the genital organ so as to avoid a second infection and recurrence.

The information contained herein should not be used as a substitute for the advice of an appropriately qualified and licensed physician or other health care provider. Please consult your health care provider if you are sick.

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