A Crash Course in Contraception

This column is for you to understand contraception.

Ninety-five percent effective contraceptive pills

Taking contraceptive pills is the most common of all the contraception means. It has been the most effective and reliable way of contraception for the past 50 years with its 95% plus effectiveness.

Contraceptive pills contain two kinds of hormones-estrogens and luteins, which inhibit a female pills-recipient's fertility period to make her ovary discharge ova and cause changes in the womb walls hence an adverse environment for embryo implantation will occur. Pills are easy and convenient to use so most of the women in their sexual life know how to take them.

Contraceptive pills, however, have side effects, posing sometimes-serious results, which are mainly seen in possible blood vessel embolism that may cause death in serious cases. Fortunately, this case does not happen to the Asians as often as the westerners. Those with serious diseases like hypertension, diabetes, hematangionosus and smoking-related diseases are advised not to take pills for contraception due to the high risks. If necessary, they should take contraception pills after their doctors examine their health.

As for those elderly women (35-40 years old), because they have more blood vessel diseases, their doctors do not advise them to go on with contraceptive pills. Generally speaking, it is safe for young couples to have contraceptive pills as a means for their family planning but it is advisable to switch to other contraceptive methods after the age of 30.

Condoms, reducing the risks of venereal disease transmitting

Condoms are also commonly used for contraception besides contraceptive pills. Condoms are very convenient to use for men. But bear in mind that a male should put a condom on only when the penis is in erection and pull the penis in the condom out of the vagina, pressing its outlet by hand, just after the ejaculation and before its softening. There are different sizes of condoms and users are advised to have the right size-neither too tight nor too loose. If used properly, condoms are 90% plus effective. Condoms are convenient without affecting health and reduce the risks of contacting sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS, syphilis, gonorrhoea and hepatitis.

However, condoms of different brands may vary in quality. A few years ago, the Consumer Association found cracks in condoms of some brands that caused decrease in their effectiveness. Furthermore, some men dislike having sex with condoms on.

The information contained herein should not be used as a substitute for the advice of an appropriately qualified and licensed physician or other health care provider. Please consult your health care provider if you are sick.

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